| ![]() MIL-C-50743(MU)
8 August 1973 +400 volt supply. With the PFN voltage at J3-A set
to +1200 200 V, the voltage at J2-p shall be +400 40 Vdc. PFN discharge time. With the PFN voltage at J3-A
set to +1200 100 Vdc, and with the subsequent removal of the
+-24.0 Vdc power source (item 2.1 of table I), the PFN current
between J5-t(+) and J5-e(-) shall decrease to less than 7 microampere
within 25 seconds.
3.3.2 Environmental. Storage temperature. The unit shall meet the require-
ments of 3.3.1 at ambient temperatures after exposure to and thermal
stabilization at -80F and +160F. Operating temperatures. The unit shall meet the
requirements of 3. 3.1.2 through, except, while exposed to
and thermally stabilized at -40F and +125F, subsequent to which the
requirements of through, except, shall be met at
ambient temperature. Vibration. The unit shall show no physical failure and
shall meet the requirements of 3.3.1 after being exposed to the following
vibratory conditions:
1/64 inch, constant
a. Amplitude:
(1/32 inch double amplitude)
Simple harmonic
b. Vibratory motion:
5 to 55 to 5 Hertz in a five-minute
c. Sweep time:
Three linear or logarithmic
d. Vibration cycling:
sweeps applied to each of the
threee mutually perpendicular
axes. Shock. The unit shall meet the requirements of 3.3.1
after being exposed to a total of 18 shock impulses, three in each
direction of the three mutually perpendicular axes. Each shock impulse
shall be a half-sine wave with a time duration of 3.5 + 0.5 milliseconds
and a peak amplitude of 100g.
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