| ![]() MIL-C-52037F(ME)
erased. The cartridge holders shall be labeled No. 1 (cartridge holder following
moisture separator) and No. 2 (outlet cartridge holder). Change cartirdges as
a. Discard cartridge in Nol 1 (inlet) holder.
b. Transfer cartridge form Nol 2 (outlet) holder to No. 1 holder.
c. Place fresh cartridge in No. 2 holder. Moisture separator inlet air filter.
An accessible and easily
serviced filter shall be provided at the inlet moisture separator to
avert any foreign matter from entering the moisture separator.
3.10.9 Pressure relief valves. Adjustable, preset, spring-loaded pressue-
relief valves shall be provided to protect the moisture separator, air receiver,
and the individual stages of the air compressor. The sdjustment, once made,
shall be securely locked and sealed to prevent unauthorized adjuctment. The last
stage of the compressor pump may be protected by the use of a rupture disko In
addition, rupture disks shall be provided to protect the moistue separator and
air receiver. The relief valves and rupture disks shall be capable of
discharging 100 percent of the compressor capacity.
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