| ![]() MIL-C-52037F(ME) Unloader. A devices shall be provided unload the compressor
automatically when the discharge pressure reaches 3,500 +100, -0 psi, an to
load the compressor at a presssure between 3,000 psi and 3,500 psi.
3.10. Sensitive elements. Sensitive elements such as fuel, cooling, and
lubrication systems, storage batteries, pressure gages, drain valves, and
connecting tubirq shall be so arranged within the enclosure as to prevent
exposure to extremes of temperature.
3.10.13 Drain valves. Drain valves shall be grouped and mounted on a common
member. Drain valve handles shall not extend beyond the exterior of the
enclosure , shall have a surface temperature of less than 120 and shall be
operable by personnel wearing heavy miten-type gloves. Drain valves shall be
labeled as to the items drained (i.e., "RESERVOIR DRAIN" , "MOISTURE SEPARATOR
DRAIN") and shall be provided with double ended arrows that are labeled at each
end to indicate functional result (i.e., "OPEN" "CLOSE") .
3.10.14 Drive belts. Drive belts shall conform dimensionally to RMA
Engineering Standards for Multiple V-Belt Drives and shall conform to the
material requirements of MIL-B-11040 l A mans for adjusting belt tension shall
be provided.
3.10.15 Hose assemblies. Hose for hydraulic, oil, and coolant lines,
excluding radiator hose assemblies, shall conform to MIL-H-52471 and
MIL-H-51471/2. Hose assemblies for pneumatic lines shall conform to MIL-H-38390
or MIL-H-26666, -6 or -4 size.
3.10.16 Servicing hose A 30-foot pneumatic hose assembly of the size
specified in 3.10.15 shall be provided. The hose shall be provided with a quick-
disconnect fitting for an operating pressure of 3,500 psi and mating with the
terminal fitting of the high pressure servicing system mounted onthe control
panel (see 3.15). The cupling shall be two-way shutoff and shall be a Hansen
series 2 HK or equal. It shall be constructed of orrosion-resistant steel. An
air chuck which shall fit valve assemblies conforming to MS28889 shall be
provided on the servicing end of the pneumatic hose assembly. The hose shall be
stowed in an accessible place inside the enclosure. The hose shall be secured in
a manner to prevent fraying caused by vibration during preparation for use,
during usage, and during stowage. Two servicing valves shall be provided; one
located between the servicing line and the air chuck, and the other located
between the dehydrator outlet and the servicing line to control the flow of air
into the servicing line. A manually operated value for bleeding shall be
provided to relieve the pressure in the servicing line-prior to disconnecting. A
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