| ![]() MIL-C-52437C
TABLE II. Trailer specifications. (Cont'd)
VMRS 34-002 (Cont'd)
Provide individual lamps to function as:
- 2-ea. turn signal and clearance (double
filament type).
- 2-ea. stop and tail (double filament type).
Combination lamps per TTMA RP No. 14 and
SAE J759.
Hermetically sealed lamp housing with shock
mount double filaments.
Round 4-in. dia. size for flush mounting in
4-1/2-in. dia. TTMA standard holes. Pigtail
lamp lead to include ground wire from lamp to
vehicle framing member. Install lamps as far
apart as practical in rear frame members or in
lamp boxes. Recess lamps forward from the
rearmost edge of the trailer chassis to provide
lamp protection from backing into loading
docks and into trees.
Reflectors - Safety.
VMRS 34-002-007
Furnish reflectors per TMC-ATA RP-702 and
TTMA RP No. 9 plus 2-ea. additional on the
front facing forward.
Secure all reflectors to the vehicle with metal
No reflectors installed on the unprotected
trailer surfaces or at an angle greater than
15 degrees from vertical.
Plug (Seven Conductor Electrical Connector).
VMRS 34-003-036
Provide front intervehicular plug and cable
assembly for commercial truck towing.
Furnish a 7-way plug per TTMA RP No. 40
connected to a cable per SAE J1067.
Permanently connect plug and cable assembly
to trailer chassis to prevent loss.
Plug to extend a minimum of 36-in. toward the
truck from the tow bar eye center.
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