| ![]() MIL-C-52437C
TABLE III. Trailer body specifications. (Cont'd)
VMRS 71-003 (Cont'd)
sides and roof panel having laminate of min.
22-oz./sq. yd. material or woven roving (W.R.)
or combination of both. Ultra-violet-inhibitor
gel coat on exterior of panel having min.
0.015-in. thickness.
Exposed edges of plywood treated or dipped to
repel moisture.
Aluminum sheeting min. 0.05-in. thick, smooth
or horizontal rib trailer type. Inside surface of
the skin correctly degreased and coated with
primer or adhesive to insure foam insulation
Logistic Tracks.
VMRS 71-003-028
As specified, provide commercial interior
logistic tracks, vertically mounted on the body
side walls.
Industry standardized "Type E" provided,
unless "Type F" are required.
Each track spaced on 16-in. on-centers from
the rear to the front and from floor to ceiling of
side walls.
Delete tracks at window and door openings.
Each track secured to provide a mount for
operating equipment weight load of min.
200-lb. having a center of force at 12-in. out
from the walls and 24-in. below the ceilings.
Roof Assembly.
VMRS 71-004
Roof material same as wall materials.
Seamless, l-piece roof sheet having adheseive
bow fastening.
Provide roof crown for water drainage. Fasten
roof around the perimeter only and seal
fastener penetration to prevent moisture
entering van body. Withstand exterior roof
load, min. 660 lb./sq. ft. over any 2-sq. ft. area
at anyone time and min. 40 lb./sq. ft. snow load
over the whole roof.
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