| ![]() MIL-C-52437C
6.4 Vehicle weight classification. The contracting officer should arrange to furnish vehicle
classification forms to the contractor and request the return of the completed forms to the
Government. The information thus obtained should be utilized to determine the weight
classification number(s) for the trailer chassis. The contractor should then be requested by the
contracting officer to apply the weight classification number(s) to the trailer chassis. When
operating equipment and its weight is known or can be estimated, these data shall be used for
determining the vehicle classification. Otherwise, the GVWR of the trailer chassis shall be used
for the vehicle classification (see 3.23).
6.5 Data requirements. The contracting officer should include requirements for such data as
technical publications, instructional materials, illustrated parts lists, and contractor's maintenance
and operation manual to be furnished with each trailer chassis.
6.6 Provisioning. The contracting officer should include provisioning requirements for
repair parts and maintenance tools as necessary (including any special tools), and instructions
regarding shipment of trailer chassis.
6.7 Registration numbers. The contracting officer should furnish a registration numbers to
be applied to the trailer chassis (see 3.22).
6.8 Lubricants. The contracting officer should furnish a list of military lubricants applicable
to the trailer chassis, covered by this specification as contained in the Federal Supply Catalog,
Department of Defense Section, Identification List C9100-IL, for FSC Group 91 (see 3.18).
6.9 Supplementary quality assurance provisions (SQAP). The contracting officer should
require the contractor to maintain records on size 9 MD trailers of all SQAP inspections. A
suggested paragraph is as follows:
"For the military design trailer chassis of MIL-C-52437/6, Size 9, the contractor shall
maintain complete records of all examinations and tests performed to verify the requirements of
classified SQAP characteristics. The records shall include, as a minimum, lot size, sample size,
drawing requirements, actual measurements, number and type of deficiencies found, quantity
approved, quantity rejected, and corrective action taken, when applicable."
6.10 Definition supplementary quality assurance provisions (SAP). A SQAP is a contractual
requirement that supplements Section 4 of the specification. SQAP indicates the minimum
requirements which must be inspected on the product drawings to verify the design objectives of
the product and assure inter-changeability of repair parts.
6.11 Preproduction pack. Any changes or deviations of production packs from the approved
first article pack will be subject to the approval of the contracting officer. Approval of the first
article pack will not relieve the contractor of his obligation to preserve, pack, and mark the
trailers in accordance with this specification.
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