| ![]() MIL-C-52477D(ME)
3.8.7 Pressure tubing and fittings. All pressure tubing and fittings shall be
designed for a minimum operating pressure of 3,500 psig and a proof pressure of
5,250 psig and shall be of corrosion-resistant steel containing a minimum of 18
percent chromium and 8 percent nickel. All tubing and fittings shall be
installed to minimize and withstand vibration and allow for thermal expansion.
Provision shall be made for relieving pressure to the atmosphere from all lines
in the system without disassembly of any fitting or component.
3.8,8 Receiver. A receiver designed for a minimum operating pressure of 3,500
psig and a proof pressure of 5,250 psig, with a capacity of not less than 1,300
cubic inches, shall be provided for storage of dried and filtered high-pressure
air. The receiver shall conform to the requirements specified herein, and the
design requirements of at least one of the following:
The ASME Rules for Construction of Unfired Pressure Vessels.
DOT Specification 3AA, for Seamless Steel Cylinder of Definitely
Prescribed Steels.
MIL-T-25363, For Glass Fiber Tanks.
MIL-T-8573, For Nonshatterable Steel Cylinders.
The receiver shall be pad mounted and securely tied down. A piping system shall
be provided to bypass the receiver for direct servicing of equipment. A
provision shall be made to drain any accumulated moisture from the receiver.
A pressure gage shall be provided to indicate receiver pressure. The gage shall
be the oil fill type to control needle vibration and cover a range of O to 5,000
psig with 100 psig or smaller increments and shall be accurate to within plus or
minus 1 percent of the full scale reading. The portion of the gage scale
indicating pressures greater than 3,900 psig shall be marked with a red arc or
3.8.9 Control panel. A control panel shall be provided for mounting the
gages, meters, and controls specified herein. Gages, meters, and controls shall
be clearly identified and shall be mounted so that they will not be damaged under
any condition of compressor operation specified herein. All controls, gages, and
meters necessary for operation shall be accessible and visible to a single
operator standing on one side of the compressor. Valves. Manually operated shutoff, isolation or control service
valves shall be of the positive shutoff type and shall be of corrosion-resistant
steel containing a minimum of 18 percent chromium and 8 percent nickel. The
valves shall require not more than 60 inch-pounds of torque to open or close
under a pressure of 3,500 psig and shall be designed so that overtorquing to 150
inch-pounds will not damage the valve seats. Regulator. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), a single high-low
pressure regulator shall be provided and mounted on the control panel. The
regulator shall be designed for an operating pressure of 3,500 psig and a proof
pressure of 5,250 psig. The regulator shall be adjustable to any outlet pressure
setting between 0 psig and 3,500 psig by means of a single-control. Not more
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