| ![]() MIL-C-52477D(ME)
than 50 inch-pounds of torque shall be required to operate the control. By
counterclockwise rotation of the control, the regulator shall bleed the
downstream line to any desired lower pressure including atmospheric without loss
of upstream air. The regulator shall control the downstream pressure without
variation from a preset pressure by more than plus or minus 2 percent when the
upstream pressure is decreased. A differential-type overpressure relief device
shall be provided on the downstram side of the regulator. The relief device
shall protect the downstream side in the event of failure of the regulator. The
relief device shall start to vent before the downstream pressure reaches 100 psi
above any set dead end pressure up to 3,500 psig, and flow shall reach at least
10 cfm before the downstream pressure reaches 200 psi above the set dead end
A filter shall be provided at the inlet of the regulator to prevent
foreign particles from entering the regulator. Two pressure gages, with a
minimum diameter of 3 inches, shall be provided on the downstream side of the
pressure regulator and shall be mounted on the control panel. The high-pressure
gage shall cover the range of O to 3,500 psig with increments of not more than 50
psi and the low-pressure gage shall cover the range of O to 600 psig with
increments of not more than 10 psi. Provision shall be made to protect the low
pressure gage aginst damage when pressure is in excess of the full scale
reading. Gages shall be accurate to within plus or minus 1 percent of full
scale. A manually operated shutoff valve shall be provided downstream of the
regulator and relief valve and shall be mounted on the control panel. Hourmeter. An hourmeter shall be mounted on the control panel. The
hourmeter shall have a range of from 0 to 9,999 and an accuracy of 1 minute per
hour. The hourmeter may be of the revolution-counter type.
3.8.10 Servicing hose. A servicing nose conforming to MIL-H-38390 with
couplings to mate with fittings conforming to MS33656-4, shall be provided.
Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), the hose shall be not less than 20 feet in
length and shall be equipped with coupling guards to minimize hose failure due to
bending at or near the couplings. When specified, a remote control screw-on gage
assembly conforming to MIL-G-8348, Class C shall be furnished, with the exception
that the body shall be constructed to withstand a maximum working pressure of
3,500 psig and a minimum bursting pressure of 5,250 psig. A servicing line valve
conforming to MIL-V-4719, Type III shall be provided at one end of the hose. A
9-inch-long hose extension shall be provided and attached to the servicing line
valve. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), a screw-on-type air chuck designed
to fit air valves conforming to MS28889 shall be attached to the hose extension.
The chuck shall conform to Drawing 7347114 except the material may be brass or
stainless steel, and shall be provided with a dust cap or dust plug with chain to
prevent loss. The hose shall be provided with a quick-disconnect fitting
designed for an operating pressure of 3,500 psig to couple with the terminal
fitting of the pneumatic system mounted on the control panel. The coupling shall
be a two way shut-off type and shall be a Hansen Series 2 HK or equal. It shall
be constructed of corrosion resistant steel or cadmium plated in accordance with
QQ-P-416, Type I, Class 3. A rack or storage area shall be provided for storage
of the hose assembly. The minimum bend radius of the hose shall not be exceeded
during storage and provision shall be made to secure the line service valve if
rack mounted. Provision shall be made to prevent uncoiling of the hose during
transportation and storage.
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