| ![]() MIL-C-52911(ME)
of the individual item. Each cooling system shall be filled with a fresh
clean solution of 50 percent water and 50 percent ethylene glycol type
antifreeze with rust inhibitor, and a tag attached indicating the temperature
to which the cooling system can be subjected to before freezing. Each
crankcase shall contain the required amount of lubricating oil. A guide shall
be furnished indicating the preservation and packing materials to be
removed, in detail, and any other servicing required prior to placing
the crane in operation. Marking shall reflect, as a minimum, the item
name, national stock number, quantity, contract or purchase order
number, and appropriate address markings on each unpacked item or shipping
container. The marking shall be applied with a waterproof material,
and shall provide a definite contrast.
6.1 Intended use. The cranes, together with the various items of
front-end operating equipment, are intended for use in handling materials,
lifting and transporting loads short distances, and piledriving.
Procurement documents should specify the
6.2 Ordering data.
(a) Title, number, and date of this specification.
(b) Time frame for submitting the vehicle classification
data (see 3.9(c) and 6.6).
(c) Time frame for submitting the data and certifications
(see 3.14).
(d) Requirements for publications (see 3.17).
(e) Title and date of the Technical Information Package (see 3.18).
(f) Time frame for submitting the First Article Test Report
(see 4.3).
6.3 Government-furnished property. The contracting officer should
arrange to furnish the contractor the property specified in 3.11.
6.4 Government-loaned property. The contracting officer should arrange
to loan the property specified in 3.12.
6.5 Publications. The contracting officer shall determine that the
contractor's operators, parts, maintenance, and overhaul manuals and
lubricants order are approved by the Government prior to accepting
the first article.
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