| ![]() MIL-C-52573A(ME)
to provide protection against the various forms of corrosion and deterioration
that may be encountered in any of the applicable operating and storage environ-
ments to which the compressor may be exposed.
Dissimilar metals.
Dissimilar metals shall not be used in intimate
contact with each other unless protected against galvanic corrosion.
metals and methods of protection are defined and detailed in MILSTD-889.
The contractor shall identify
3.3.3 Identification of materials and finishes.
the specific material, material finish or treatment for use with component and
subcomponent, and shall make information available upon request to the
contracting officer or designated representative.
For the purpose of this requirement, recovered
3.3.4 Recovered materials.
materials are those materials which have been collected from solid waste and
reprocessed to become a source of raw materials, as distinguished from virgin raw
The components, pieces and parts Incorporated in the compressor may
be newly fabricated from recovered materials to the maximum extent practicable,
provided the compressor produced meets all other requirements of this
Used, rebuilt or remanufactured components, pieces and parts
shall not be incorporated in the compressor.
Environmental conditions.
The compressor unit shall perform as specified herein in
rain falling at a rate of three inches per hour.
3.5 Safety.
All reciprocationg, rotating, or moving parts of the compressor
unit shall be guarded when such parts are exposed to contact by personnel or
All hot surfaces of the compressor unit, including
otherwise create a hazard.
exhaust pipes and other lines which may be subject to high temperatures, exposes
to contact by personnel or which create a fire hazard, shall be fully guarded or
Exhaust from the engine shall be directed so that it does not
endanger personnel , and so that the possibility of exhaust entering into the
Electrical equipment, wires, and connectors
compressor unit inlet is minimized.
shall be effectively guarded or insulated to protect all persons and objects from
Nonfunctional sharp edges, projecting points and
electrical shock hazard.
excessive length of fastening devices shall be avoided.
Noise limits.
The noise produced by the compressor shall conform with
MIL-STD-1474 requirements, with the exception of MIL-STD-1474, 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4
The provision of MIL-STD-1474, 4.3 and
when tested in accordance with
4.4 shall be provided if and only if MILSTD-1474, procedures have been
pursued and documented to the satisfaction of the procuring, activity and written
permission to exceed the 85 dB(A) limit is obtained from the procuring activity.
Hazard signs shall conform with MIL-STD-1474, 4.3, except the sign will state
"HEARING PROTECTION REQUIRED WITHIN (specify) FEET." The sign shall be readable
at the distance indicated on the sign.
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