| ![]() MIL-C-53057(ME)
left rear and one on the right rear of the crane, with the lens face
recessed not less than 1/2 inch back of a protecting member. Interior lighting. The crane shall be equipped with gauge
lighting or indicators which are readily visible to the full range of
user personnel and be adequately lighted for night operation.
Interior lights, gauges and instruments to include warning lights,
shall not emit energy out of the 400 625 nanometer wavelength range.
All warning indicators shall be light emitting diodes (LED).
3.25 Horn. The crane shall be equipped with an electric, air, or
air-over-electric horn. The horn button assembly and electrical
wiring for the horn shall be constructed to be moisture and weather
resistant to prevent entry of moisture when operated or stored
outdoors under all weather conditions. The horn button may be mounted
on the steering wheel or instrument panel. The horn shall be
distinguishable from and not less than 10dB(A) above the crane noise
level when tested in accordance with
3.26 Pintle hook assembly and towing lugs
3.26.1 Pintle hook assembly. A rear mounted swivel pintle hook
assembly conforming to MS51117 shall be provided. The pintle hook
assembly shall be located on the vertical center line of the crane
with a minimum height of 31 inches and a maximum height of 39 inches.
The pintle hook assembly mounting shall be of sufficient strength to
withstand, without permanent deformation or damage, the drawbar pull
induced when the pintle hook assembly is restraining forward motion
at transmission stall.
3.26.2 Towing lugs. Two vehicular towing lugs, conforming to
MS500004, for tanks (above 50 tons), shall be furnished and shall
provide clearance to connect a towbar conforming to MS500048, heavy
duty capacity. The lugs shall be installed between l7 to 21 inches on
each side of the crane center line, on the rear of the crane.
3.27 Personnel cab. The crane shall be equipped with an insulated,
weathertight personnel cab located on the superstructure and shall be
in accordance with ANSI B30.5. If necessary for highway and rail
transport (see and the cab shall be removable. Quick
disconnects shall be provided for all wires required to be
disconnected when the cab is removed. The cab space envelope shall be
in accordance with SAE J154. The seated operator clearance dimensions
shall be based upon a 95 percentile U.S. male wearing cold weather
clothing and safety helmet. The cab shall withstand all operational
shock and vibration without deformation or damage under operating
conditions specified herein. The cab shall be constructed of metal or
fiberglass and shall be equipped with a minimum of one door and
another unobstructed emergency exit (either door or window that can
be opened) on another side of the cab. The emergency exit shall be
labeled. All doors and windows that can be opened shall be capable of
being opened and closed by personnel wearing gloves. All doors shall
have closing latches, except that cab door(s) need not latch open if
the door is equipped with a window that can be latched open to
provide adequate operator ventilation, opening stops and hold-open
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