| ![]() MIL-C-53057(ME)
catches. The doors shall either slide and latch at each end of travel
or shall swing open a minimum of 180 degrees and latch open except
that if a split door is furnished only the top half must latch open.
All hardware shall be of the heavy-duty truck- or industrial-type,
resistant to corrosion. Front and rear window defrosters, operating
in conjunction with the heater blower (see 3.27.4), or not less than
two (2) minimum 6 inch diameter ventilation fans, or the same
performance rotating cage type blowers, shall be furnished. The fans
shall be directionally adjustable to direct air flow toward all
glazing. Each fan shall have an "on-off" switch. Glare reducing side
mirrors shall be provided and installed on each side of the crane to
provide the operator with rear view visibility.
3.27.1 Safety glazing. Safety glazing of the windshield, door
windows, side and rear window shall be provided. The upright seated
operator shall have all-around visibility and visibility of the hook
block in all possible hook positions. The roof window shall be glazed
and shall be sloped to provide for water drainage. Glazing shall
conform to ANSI Z26.1, Type ASl for the windshield and roof window
and type ASl or AS2 for other windows. Fixed or hinged glazing shall
be sealed in waterproof, stress-absorbent molding and movable windows
shall be sealed on extra-heavy-type, pile-lined channels.
3.27.2 Interior. The interior of the cab shall be fitted with
insulation, retarding both heat loss and noise intrusion. Heavy-duty
floor mats shall be furnished. All cab openings shall be sealed with
elastomer grommets, seals, weather stripping, or body compound. The
elastomer components shall withstand an ozone rating of two or better
in accordance with ASTM Dl171.
3.27.3 Windshield and window wipers The cab shall be equipped with
at least two (2) wiper assemblies to clear the windshield and the
roof window in accordance with the performance requirements of SAE
Jl98. Wipers shall be capable of being operated at two or more
frequencies. The frequencies must be maintained during normal engine
speed and workload. Wiper arms shall be of the heavy duty commercial
type and wiper element shall withstand an ozone rating of two or
better in accordance with ASM Dl171. The wiper arms shall provide
tension on the glazed surfaces of at least l ounce per inch of wiper
arm length. A windshield washer shall be provided for the front
3.27.4 Heater. A recirculating-air-type heater shall be furnished
in accordance with the performance requirements of SAE Jl129. The
heater controls shall be within reach of the operator and shall
provide for variable selection of blower speeds and temperature. If a
fuel-fired heater is furnished, it shall be in accordance with SAE
3.28 Electromagnetic interference The electromagnetic interference
emission characteristics of the crane shall meet the limits specified
in MIL-STD-461, part 8, class C1, group II, except that a 20 dB
relaxation is permitted in the emission limits. The operators horn is
exempt from electromagnetic interference requirements.
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