| ![]() MIL-C-53057(ME)
3.37.3 Fiberglass fabrication. Fiberglass reinforced plastic
(FRP) and FRP coated plywood bodies shall be smooth surfaced
and free from bubbles, glazing cracks, and discontinuities and
shall have a uniform FRP thickness. All edges and openings of
FRP coated plywood shall be completely sealed to prevent water
intrusion between the laminates. The FRP shall be free of
parting agents which impair paint adhesion. Welding, bonding,
connections, and fabrication of the FRP shall be in accordance
with the recommended methods of the manufacturer of the
material for this application.
3.37.4 Welding. The surfaces of parts to be welded shall be
free from rust, scale, paint, grease, mill scale that can be
removed by chipping and wire brushing, and other foreign
matter. Welds shall transmit stress without permanent
deformation or failure when the parts connected by the welds
are subjected to proof and service loading. Parent materials,
weld filler metals, and fabrication techniques shall be as
required to enable the crane to conform to the examination and
test requirements specified in section 4. Parts to be joined by
fillet welds shall be brought into as close contact as
possible, and in no event shall be separated by more than 3/16
inch, unless appropriate bridging techniques are used. The
welding process used in fabrication of the crane shall be at
the option of the contractor. Welders. Before assigning any welder to manual
welding work covered by this specification, the contractor
shall obtain certification that the welder has passed
qualification tests as prescribed by one of the following
listed codes or the manufacturer's commercial code, for the
type o welding operations to be performed and that such
qualification is effective as defined by the particular code:
Structural Welding Code, AWS Dl.l, Welding
Qualifications, Sections 5 and 6
Welding Qualifications of the ASME, Section IX
Earthmoving and Construction Equipment Welding, AWS/ANSI
Qualification, Section 5.
Contractors who only make horizontal welds need not qualify
welders for "all position welding." The contractor shall be
responsible for determining that automatic welding equipment
operators are capable of producing quality welds in accordance
with AWS and ASME codes. The certification shall be made
available for review by the contracting officer, or the
contracting officer's representative. Weld quality.
a. The contractor shall be responsible for determining the
inspections needed to insure that, when the welded parts
are assembled together to make the crane, the crane shall
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