| ![]() MIL-C-53057(ME)
conform to the inspection requirements specified in
section 4.
b. All weldments shall be free of slag, flux, weld spatter,
and other impurities detrimental to either the appearance
or strength of the weldment.
c. Undercut in weldments shall be held to a minimum and
shall not be more than 1/32 inch deep. Welding practices.
a. Preheat of materials being welded and maximum interpass
temperature during welding shall be in accordance with
the welding code recommendations.
b. Tack welds shall be subject to the same quality
requirements as final welds.
c. Work shall be positioned for flat welding whenever
d. Procedures and sequences shall be such that distortion
and shrinkage will be held to a minimum. When
straightening is required, caution shall be exercised to
insure that the straightening process does not weaken the
part and crane.
3.37.5 Bolted connections. Boltholes shall be accurately formed and
shall have the burrs removed. Washers, lockwashers, or other positive
locking devices shall be provided where necessary. Matching thread
areas securing bolts conforming to SAE J429 or capscrews shall be
sufficient strength to withstand the tensile strength of the bolt.
All fasteners shall be correctly torqued and shall have full thread
3.37.6 Riveted connections. Rivets shall fill the holes completely.
The upset rivet heads shall be full, neatly made, concentric with the
rivet holes, and in full contact with the surface of the member, and
shall be in accordance with SAE J492 or IFI Standard No. 114 for
Break Mandrel Blind Rivets.
3.37.7 Machine work. Tolerances and gages for metal fits shall
conform to the limits specified herein and to the standards of the
Materials Handling Equipment Industry or the Construction Equipment
3.38 Nuclear-biological-chemical (NBC) protection. The crane shall
be operable by personnel wearing the following complete protective
mask, MIL-M-51282.
hood, MIL-H-51291.
Chemical protective
suit, MIL S-43926.
Chemical protective
glove set, MIL G-43976.
Chemical protective
footwear, MIL F-43987
The operator shall be capable of actuating all controls (i.e.,
levers, switches, pedals, knobs, and handles) without interference
caused by the ensemble that is detrimental to the operation of the
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