| ![]() MIL-C-60813(AR) Initial production sample failure.- Failure of the sample to
comply with requirements of the drawings and specifications shall results in
sample disapproval.
4.3 Inspection provisions.
4.3.1 Lot. Submission of product.- The product shall be submitted in accord-
ance with MIL-STD-105. Lot identification. - Each lot of ammunition shall be identified
as to type, caliber and model, as well as with a lot number and the supplier's
identification as assigned by the procuring activity. Each lot shall be
further identified by a Federal Stock Number assigned by the procuring activity.
4.3.2 Examination.- One hundred percent examination shall be performed for
all critical defects. Examination for major and minor defects shallbe per-
formed on a class basis in accordance with the classification of defects, Table
I, using applicable sampling plans and acceptance criteria of MIL-STD-105.
The Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) for the major class shall be 0.25 percent
and the AQL for the minor class shall be 1.50 percent. All non-conforming
cartridges shall be rejected. Classification of defects.- The classification of defects shall
be as specified in Table 1.
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