| ![]() MIL-C-62310A(AT)
4.1.2 Parts and components. Parts, components and assemblies shall be inspected for
conformance to requirements of drawings subordinate to those specified in 3.4, and applicable
specifications and standards. When applicable, inspection shall also be in accordance with
Supplementary Quality Assurance Provisions (SQAP's) or Quality Assurance Requirements
(QAR's) (see 6.2).
4.2 Classification of inspection. Classification of inspection shall be as follows:
a. First article (preproduction) inspection (see 4.3)
b. First production vehicle inspection (see 4.4).
c. Quality conformance inspection (see 4.6).
4.3 First article (preproduction) inspection. First article inspection, shall be performed after
award of contract and prior to production (see 3.1). Inspection shall be performed on a sample
unit which has been produced with equipment and procedures normally used in production. One
sample shall be subjected to the examination specified in table IV, all tests specified herein, and
examined for conformance to applicable drawings. First article approval is valid only on the
contract under which it is granted, unless extended by the Government to other contracts.
4.3.1 Failure. Failure to pass any examination or test, or defects in excess of the Acceptable
Quality Level (AQL) specified, shall be cause for refusal to grant first article approval.
4.4 Initial production inspection. On beginning production, three vehicles shall undergo,
and shall pass, initial production inspection (see 3.2). One vehicle shall undergo first production
vehicle inspection, and the second and third vehicles will be subjected to the initial production
4.4 First production vehicle inspection. In-process examination. During fabrication of the first production vehicle, an
in-process examination will be conducted by representatives of TACOM Product Assurance
Directorate to evaluate conformance of materials and workmanship to specified requirements.
Examination will be made at the contractor's or subcontractor's facility prior to application of
primer and paint. Processing and welding procedures, quality system, and inspection records
will be evaluated during this examination. Completed first production vehicle contractor inspection. The first completed
production vehicle shall be road tested and inspected by the contractor, as specified in 4.6.5, to
determine conformance to contract and specifications. After inspection, the contractor shall
submit the acceptable vehicle (and all inspection records and certifications) to the responsible
Government inspection element at contractor's plant for preliminary examination.
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