| ![]() MIL-C-64025(AR)
4.1 Responsibilities for inspection and standard quality
assurance Provisions. Unless otherwise specified herein or in the
contract, the provisions of MIL-S-48078 shall apply and are herein
a part
of this detail specification.
4.2 Classification of inspection. The
following types of
inspection shall be conducted on this item.
First article inspection
Quality conformance inspection
4.3 First article inspection.
The contractor shall submit a first article
sample, as designated by the contracting officers for evaluation in
accordance with the provisions of 4.3.2 and 4.3.3. The first article
sample shall consist of the items and sample quantities listed in
Table I.
Inspections to be Performed.
See MIL-A-48078 and Table
Components and subassemblies.
I specified herein. Remote Control Unit. (Drawing 9332873) The control
assemblies listed in Table I shall be serialized for identification
and subjected to the following tests.
4.3 .2.2.1 Temperature cycle. Subject the control assembly to
temperature cycle per MIL-STD-202, method 107D, condition Al, except
that the temperature range shall be minus 65 degrees F to plus 160
degrees F (Non-Destructive Test).
4.3 .2.2.2 Mechanical shock. Following temperature cycle, subject
the control assemblies to mechanical shock per MIL-STD-202, method
213B, condition E with a TBD peak and a TBD ms min/TBD max duration
(Non-Destructive Test).
4.3 .2.2.3 Performance test. Following mechanical shock, the
Remote Control Unit performance characteristics shall be verified by
testing as specified in Table I.
4.3.3 Rejection. See MIL-A-48078. The first article sample shall
be rejected if any part, sub-assembly or assembly fails to comply with
any of the examinations or tests specified in this specification or
any of the requirements of the applicable drawings.
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