| ![]() MIL-C-70495(AR)
3.2.16 Power supply run. The voltage between P2-A4 and GND
hall be .5 plus or minus .5 volts DC when P1-B3 is connected to
AND. After P1-B3 is disconnected from GND and then P1-B4 is
connected to P2-Al, the voltage between P2-B4 and GND shall be 21
plus or minus 11 volts DC.
P1-A2 shall be 35 Electroluminescent panel high.
plUS Or minus 15 volts rms when referenced to P1-A3 after P1-B1 iS
connected to P2-A1
shall be less than 3 volts rxns after P1-B1
as disconnected. Common connector contact continuity. The
between GND and P2-B3 shall be less than 7.5 ohms.
3.2.2 Physical characteristics. The physical characteristics
shall be as prescribed by the drawings,specifications, and QAP's.
3.2.3 Reliability.
When specified in the contract, a special
sample shall be subjected to reliability testing. The
manufacturing and production techniques employed in the
fabrication of the supply shall not degrade the inherent
The inherent reliability shall not be less than
131,068 hours Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF).
(See 4 and 6)
The supply shall meet the requirements
specified herein unless otherwise specified.
The requirements of this
3.3.1 Room ambient temperature.
specification shall be met with the supply thermally stabilized at
room ambient temperature of +16C to +32C (+g\6OF to
+90 F) , unless otherwise specified in the requirements paraqraph.
3.3.3 Environmental stress screen (ESS) vibration. The
supply shall meet the requirements of and
inclusive, after having been subjected to a random and
pseudorandom vibration which includes frequency content from 100
Hz to 1000 Hz and up to a 3g W in two axis for a period of 10
minutes or minus 15 seconds.
3.4 Fabrication. The supply shall be manufactured in
accordance with drawing 9355B47.
3.5 First article. When specified in the contract, a sample
shall be subjected to first article inspection (See 4 and 6).
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