| ![]() MIL-C-70495(AR)
4.6.1 ESS temperature. Testing equipment utilized in this
test shall conform to the requirements of The supply
shall be placed in the test chamber and the temperature of the
chamber reduced 10C (18F) per minute plus or minus 1C
(1.8F) from room ambient temperature (as specified in 3.3.1) to
The supply shall be maintained at this
-57C (-71F).
temperature for a minimum of 20 minutes. Upon completion of the
20 minute exposure, the temperature of the chamber shall be raised
10 C (18F) per minute plus or minus 1C (1.8F) to
+71F (+160C).
The supply shall remain at this temperature
Upon completion of the 20 minute
for a minimum of 20 minutes.
exposure the temperature of the chamber shall be reduced 10C
(18F) per minute plus or minus 1C (1.8F) to room ambient
temperature (as specified in 3.3.1). The above procedure shall be
conducted a minimum of ten times. Upon completion of the cycles
the SUpplY Shall then be removed from the chamber and subjected to
the tests in and 4.6.4 inclusive. It shall meet the
requirements of and inclusive.
4.6.2 ESS vibration. Conduct the vibration test with the
supply positioned on an appropriate adapter affixed to a vibrating
machine that is capable of providing the amplitudes and
Unless otherwise specified, the
frequencies specified in 3.3.3.
test equipment shall be in accordance with the "Test Facilities"
The applied motion shall be in two
requirements of MIL-F-13926.
separate planes for the time periti specified.
It shall meet the
Upon completion of
requirements of and inclusive.
the vibration sweep the supply shall be removed from the vibration
adapter and shall be subjected to the tests in and 4.6.4
inclusive. It shall meet the requirements of and
The performance tests and 4.6.3.
4.6.3 Performance.
inclusive, shall be conducted with a 100 kilohn plus or minus 5
percent 118 watt resistor between P2-A2 and P2-B4, a second
between P2-A4 and P2-A3, and a third between P1-B2 and P2-82; a
5.3 plus or minus .1 volts DC power supply to P2-A1 and P2-A2 bot
with respect to GND; a 1200 plus or minus 12 Hz square wave
generator that has a high level of 4.6 plus or minus .7 volts DC
and a low level of .5 plus or minus .5 volts DC to P1-A4 with
respect to GND; a 43.2 kilohm plus or minus 1 percent 1/10 watt
resistor in parallel with a .047 microfarad plus or minus 1
percent 100 volt AC capacitor. Connect the parallel combination
between P1-A2 and P1-A3; and a 21 plus or minus 11 volts DC power
supply to P2-A3 with respect to P2-B2. Display on. Positive volts. Turn on the supply while monitoring
P1-A1 with a voltmeter.
The output response shall be as specified
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