| ![]() MIL-C-70495(AR) Battery volts.
After P2-A3 has been connected to a
voltage source~ as specified in 4.6.3, for 30 to 45 minutes
disconnect the voltage. Measure the voltage at P2-B1 with respect
The measured voltage shall be as specified in
to GND. Output ripple. Turn on the supply. With an
oscilloscope, look at the output ripple at the "+35V output with
respect to GND.
The output response shall be as specified in Overload/short circuit Protection.
Conduct this test
by connecting a variable (0 to 10 kilohm) 10 watt resistor in
series with a 500 milliamp DC current meter. Connect the variable
resistor current meter combination between +35V and GND. Set the
resistor to its maximum resistance and turn on the supply. slowly
decrease the resistance while at the same time noting the current
meter reading and the DC voltage level at +35V with respect to
GND. The output response shall be as specified in Power supply run.
Conduct this test by connecting
P1-B3 to GND while monitoring P2-A4 with a voltmeter. Then
disconnect P1-B3 from GND and connect P1-B4 to +5-V. The out
response shall be as specified in 3.2-1.6. Electrolminescent panel high. Turn on the supply
while monitoring the AC voltage between P1-A2 and P1-A3. Connect
P1-B1 to +5V. The output response shall be as specified in
4.6.4 Common connector contact continuity. This test shall
be conducted with no external power connected to the supply.
Measure with an ohm meter the resistance between GND and P2-B3.
The resistance shall be as specified in
Workmanship. The supply shall be subjected to a visual
and tactile examination for evidence of faulty workmanship. The
supply shall conform to the requirements of 3.6.
4.7 Reliability testing. The requirement for reliabilty
test approval and the responsibility (Government or contractor)
for reliability testing shall be as-specified in the contract.
The sample for reliability test shall consist of 3 supplies. The
samples shall be manufactured in the same manner, using the saw
equipmentl processes, and procedures as will be used in
the production of the balance of the contract quantity. All parts
and materials, including packaging and packing, shall be obtained
from the same source of supply as will be used in the production
of the balance of the contract quantity.
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