| ![]() MIL-C-70501 (AR)
4.5.7 Homogeneity of material. Tops and bottoms shall be
light table inspected.
Any item which fails to conform with
the homogeneity requirement shall be classed defective and
removed from the lot.
4.5.8 Fin-boom simulation test.
The container assemblies
shall be tested for flexibility needed during field use. The
container assemblies shall be visually examined for any
homogeneity defects prior to the test.
The defect-free
container assemblies shall be positioned on and removed two
times from a solid bar of the maximum allowable outside diameter
of the fin boom. The "snap" on and off the boom shall be
performed with the container assembly oriented perpendicular to
the bar. After removal, the container assemblies shall be
visually inspected for cracks, tears, open seams, crushed ends.
and folds/creases in the container wall. The Government shall
establish visual standards prior to production with the assis-
tance of the contractor.
Packaging shall be as specified on dwg.
Packing shall be as specified on dwg.
5.3 Marking.
Marking shall be as specified on dwg.
9313703 and dwg. 9313727.
Intended use.
The components covered by this specifi-
cation are intended for use on ammunition for the 60MM
Lightweight Company Mortar System (LWCMS).
6.2 Ordering
See MIL-A-48078.
6.3 Submission of inspection equipment for design
See MIL-A-48078. Submit designs as required to
Commander, US Army Armament Research and Development Center,
ATTN: DRSMC-QAT-I(D), Dover, NJ 07801.
6.4 Drawings.
Drawings listed in section 2 of this
specification under the heading US Army Armament Research and
Development Center (ARDC) may also include drawings prepared by
and identified as ARRADCOM, Edgewood Arsenal, Frankford
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