| ![]() MIL-C-70678 (AR)
4.5 Methods of inspection.
4.5.1 Protective coating. Curing test. An area of at least 1 square inch on
the sample burster case, shall be kept wet with acetone for 2
minutes. The area being tested shall be vigorously rubbed with a
rubber gloved thumb and visually inspected for evidence of
lifting, blistering, or softening of the varnish coating. Salt spray test. The test shall be conducted using
component parts painted at the same time in the same equipment as
other deliverable parts. The salt solution, equipment,
preparation of test parts, test procedures and drying time shall
be in accordance with MIL-STD-810 Method 509.2 (salt fog). After
drying, any evidence of paint failure, non-adhesion or corrosion
on a surface painted with protective finish shall cause rejection
of all parts painted during that operation except rust within 1/32
inch of any edges shall be permitted.
4.5.2 Leak test. (See Parts shall be free of rust
and other foreign matter in order not to clog passages and
possibly result in false nonleakers. Each burster case shall be
mounted in an approved fixture in such a manner that the burster
case will be completely submerged in water, and then subjected to
the required air pressure for the specified time duration. A
burster casing shall be classed defective if evidence of bubbles
rising to the surface of the water or appearing on any surface of
the casing is observed during the test period.
4.5.3 Tension test. (see After successfully
passing the leak test, two randomly chosen tension test specimens
as prescribed by ASTM Method E-8 shall be taken from the tube
position of each of two casing samples (two specimens per casing).
4.5.4 Hardness test. From each sample selected for testing
in accordance with, two hardness readings on flat areas
(one at front of casing, one at rear of casing) shall be
recorded. The test shall be performed using the equipment and
procedures prescribed by ASTM Method E-18, except that the minimum
dwell time shall be 5 seconds when a Rockwell Hardness Test is
5.1 Packaging, packing and marking. Packaging, packing and
marking shall be in accordance with the requirements of level C in
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