| ![]() MIL-C-70784(AR)
(Code of Federal Regulation Title 49, Transportation Parts 100
through 199 are available from the superintendant of
documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
20402. Orders should specify "49 CFR 100-199 (Latest)
In the event of a conflict between
2.2 Order of precedence.
the text of this specification and the references cited herein,
(except for associated detail specifications, specification sheets
or MS standards) the text of this specification, take precedence.
Nothing in this specification, however, shall supersede applicable
laws and regulations unless specific exemption has been obtained.
3.1 General. The cartridge shall be in accordance with
Drawing 12910009, referenced specifications, publications and
other requirements specified herein.
Materials shall be in accordance with
drawings and specifications.
All parts and assemblies shall
b. Manufacturing process.
be manufactured by a process approved by the contracting officer,
and no deviation from that process shall be made without prior
approval of the contracting officer (see 6.7).
The tensile force necessary to
3.2 Projectile extraction.
extract the projectile from the cartridge case shall be between
2000 and 3500 lbs. inclusive (see 4.4.1).
The projectile shall withstand a
3.3 Projectile torque.
minimum of 30 in-lbs torque without rotational movement (see
The average muzzle velocity of the sample
3.4 Velocity.
cartridges shall be
1345 15 meters per second (mps) when
3C. The sample standard deviation
conditioned at 21C
shall not exceed 10
mps (see 4.4.4).
The average peak chamber pressure of the
3.5 Pressure.
sample cartridges, conditioned at 21 3C, plus three
standard deviations of peak chamber pressure shall not exceed 454
No individual sample cartridge shall exceed
megapascals (MPa).
Pressure shall be measured with a piezoelectric type
496 MPa.
pressure transducer dwg. 12910127, located as specified on dwg.
12910126 (see 4.4.4).
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