| ![]() MIL-C-70784 (AR)
3.6 Waterproofness.
The average velocity (wet) of
projectiles of the cartridges, conditioned at 21 3C, shall
not vary from the average velocity (dry) by more than 30.5 mps.
The action time of the (wet) cartridges shall not exceed 6.0
milliseconds (ms) (see 4.4.4).
The standard deviation of impacts in both.
3.7 Dispersion.
the horizontal and vertical directions of the sample cartridge
projectiles shall not exceed 0.38 milliradians when the cartridges
are conditioned at 21 3C (see 4.4.5). For this test, the
test barrel will be fitted and fired with a muzzle brake.
The action time of the cartridges shall not
3.8 Action time.
exceed 6.0 ms at any cartridge temperature when conditioned at
21C 3C (see 4.4.6).
The sample projectile shall exhibit a
3.9 Projectile trace.
visible trace when viewed against a dark background, for the
minimum time of 1.4 seconds (sec) from the gun muzzle when
conditioned at 21 3C (see 4.4.8).
The sample cartridges,
3.10 Function and casualty.
conditioned at 21 3C, shall function without firing
defects and casualties (see 4.4.7).
3.11 Workmanship.
All parts and assemblies shall be
fabricated, loaded, and assembled in a thorough workmanship
They shall be free of burrs, sharp edges, cracks,
scratches, dents, folds, wrinkles, buckles, dirt, grease, oil,
rust, and other foreign matter. The cleaning method used shall
not be injurious to any parts, nor shall the parts be contaminated
by the cleaning agents. Exterior surface coatings shall be
continuous; however, light scratches not exposing base material
All required marking and stamping shall be neat
may be permitted.
and clearly defined.
Unless otherwise
4.1 Responsibility for inspection.
specified in the contract, the contractor is responsible for the
Except as
performance of all inspection as specified herein.
otherwise specified in the contract, the contractor may use his
own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the
inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by
the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any
of the inspections set forth in the specification where such
inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services
conform to prescribed requirements. Quality assurance terms and
definitions shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-109 and the
provisions of MIL-A-2550 and MIL-A-48078 apply.
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