| ![]() MIL-C-81093B(OS)
3.2.1 Materials and treatment of materials and parts. Unless otherwise
specified in the contract or order, materials and treatments of materials and
parts used in the manufacture of the cartridges shall be as specified herein
and the applicable documents listed in LD 535751 (Type I) or Dwg 2539121
(Type II). Selection of materials. Specifications and standards for materials,
parts and Government certification and approval of processes and equipment,
which are not specifically designated herein, and which are necessary for the
execution of this specification, shall be selected in accordance with MIL-STD-
143, except as provided herein. AN, JAN, MS Standard parts shall be used
wherever they are suitable for the purpose, and shall be Identified on the
drawing by part number. Commercial utility parts such as screws, bolts, nuts,
and cotter pints may be used, provided they possess suitable properties and are
replaceable by the AN, JAN, or MS Standard parts without alteration, and provided
the corresponding AN, JAN, or MS part numbers are references on the parts list
and, if practicable, on the contractor's drawings. In the event there is no
suitable corresponding standard part in effect on date of invitation for bids,
commercial parts may be used provided they conform to the requirements spec-
ified herein.
* Metals. Metals shall be of a corrosion-resisting type or shall
be adequately protected to resist corrosion during the normal service and
storage life of the cartridge. Copper or copper bearing alloys capable of
being corroded by hydrazoic acid shall not be used within the sealed volume.
* Dissimilar metals. Unless protected against electrolytic cor-
rosion, dissimilar metals shall not be used in contact with each other.
Dissimilar metals shall be as defined in MIL-STD-889.
* Fungus-proof materials. Materials that are nutrients for fungi
shall not be used where it is practical to avoid them. Where used and not
hermetically sealed, they shall be treated with a fungicidal agent accept-
able to the procuring activity. Parts and materials shall be fungus-resist-
ant in accordance with requirement 4 of MIL-STD-454. Threads. Unless otherwise specified, all threads shall be in
accordance with FED-STD-H28. Interchangeability. Parts or subassemblies having the same
manufacturer's part number shall be directly and completely interchangeable
with each other with respect to installation and performance.
3.2.2 Gages. The supplier shall provide whatever gages are necessary and
adequate to ensure that the materials and parts of the cartridge will meet
dimensions and requirements shown on the applicable documents listed in
LD 535751 (Type I) or DWG 2539121 (Type II). When requested by the supplier,
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