| ![]() MIL-C-81093B(OS)
the procuring activity will furnish existing pertinent drawings of Naval
final inspection gages for use only in the designing of the supplier's gages.
This action does not relieve the supplier of the responsibility of designing
and manfacturing the gages needed for the satisfactory fulfillment of the
contract requirements.
3.2.3 Inspection and test equipment and facilities. The supplier shall
furnish and maintain all necessary inspection and test equipment and facili-
ties, and shall provide personnel for performing acceptance tests speci-
fied herein. Test equipment shall be adequate to permit performance of the
required acceptance tests.
3.3 Performance and physical characteristics
3.3.1 Brisance rating. The detonation of the cartridge shall produce an
explosive output sufficient to break a frangible bolt conforming to Dwg
2132278 at any temperature from 0 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit (F).
3.3.2 Ignition time. The elapsed time between closing the ignition
circuit and detonation of the cartridge shall not exceed 15 millisecond
(ins) at any temperature from 0 to 140F.
3.3.3 Explosive charges. The measuring and loading of the following
explosive ingredients of the cartridge shall be consistent with the require-
ments of the the applicable documents listed in LD 535751 (Type I) or Dwg
2539121 (Type II). Ignition charge. The cartridge shall contain a quanitity of lead
styphnate sufficient to ignite the intermediate charge ( with the
firing current described in The lead styphnate, after being loaded
into the cartridge, shall be cured in accordance with Dwg 2158784 (Type I)
or Dwg 2539121 (Type II).
* Intermediate charges. The second initiating agent shall consist
of polyvinyl alchol precipitated lead azide (pva lead azide) having a mois-
ture content of not more than 1.0 percent.
* Base charge. The base charge of the cartridge shall consist of
RDX Type I, or alternate: RDX Type II, conforming to MIL-R-398. The
moisture content of the RDX shall not exceed 0.13 percent. Loading and assembly. There shall be no evidence of loose powder,
fissures In the compressed charges, or incorrect assembly of the cartridge.
The loading and assembly techniques employed shall be such as to ensure the
moisture content specified in and has not been exceeded
prior to hermetic sealing of the cartridge assembly.
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