| ![]() MIL-C-81313 (WP)
Humidity. - T h e u n l o a d e d C r a d l e s a n d S t a c k i n g
Frames shall be subjected to the Humidity Test of Method 507.1,
Five complete cycles of this humidity
S t a n d a r d MIL-STD-810.
At the completion of the five
exposure shall be performed.
cycles, the Cradles and Stacking Frames shall be returned to
a normal humidity environment and loaded and stacked as described
in 4.3.
S a n d and dust. - T h e l o a d e d C r a d l e s a n d S t a c k i n g
Frames shall be subjected to the Sand and Dust Test of Method
At the conclusion of the test,
5 1 0 . 1 , Standard MIL-STD-81O.
the Cradles and Stacking Frames shall be returned to a normal
T h e Cradles and Stacking Frames
e n v i r o n m e n t and examined.
shall be unloaded to assure complete functioning of all parts.
Preservation and packaging. - Preservation
and packaging shall be either Level A or Level C, as speci-
fied (see 6.2).
L e v e l A.
C l e a n i n g a n d d r y i n g . - The Cradles and
Stacking Frames shall be cleaned and dried in accordance with
Cleaning shall be accomplished in
Specification MIL-P-116.
Drying shall be accomplished in
accordance with Process C-1.
accordance with Procedure D-1 or D-4, or a combination of both.
Preservative app l i c a t i o n .
Unpainted bearing surfaces. - All unpainted
5.1. 1,2.1
metal bearing surfaces shall be coated with grease conforming
to Specification MIL-G-23827, and wrapped with grease-proof
barrier material conforming to Specification MIL-B-121, Type
11, Grade A, Class 2, secured in place with tape conforming
to Specification PPP-T-60.
Unit packaging.
C r a d l e s . - Each Cradle shall be unit packaged
in accordance with Method IA-16 of Specification MIL-P-116.
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