| ![]() MIL-C-81313 (WP)
M H U - 6 1 / E Cradle stacking t e s t . - The MHU-61/E
S I D E W I N D E R Cradle shall be loaded (see 4 . 3 . 3 . 4 ) a n d p l a c e d
u p o n another loaded SIDEWINDER Cradle.
N o evidence of perman-
nent set or deformation to any of the parts shall be found
during or after this test.
C r a d l e comp a t i b i l i t y t e s t s . - U n l e s s o t h e r -
wise specified in
the contract or order, sample Cradles and
Stacking Frames
supplied as specified in 4.2.1 shall be pre-
pared and tested
as described herein.
T h e Government at its
option (see 6.2)
will supply the contractor with any or all
of the following
type equipment:
(a) Weapons Loader.
(b) Rough Terrain Transport Trailer.
(d) Rough Terrain Forklift Truck.
It shall be demonstrated that the loaded Cradles and Stacking
Frames are compatible in ail respects with the aforementioned
Environmental testing. - Unless otherwise
specified in the
contract or order, sample Cradles and
Stacking Frames
supplied as specified in 4.2.1 shall be
subjected to the
following environmental testing.
High temperature. - The Cradles and Stacking
Frames shall be loaded as described in 4.3.
The loaded
Cradles and Stacking Frames shall be exposed to an ambient
At the
temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit for eight hours.
end of the eight hour exposure and while still at 16o degrees,
the Cradles and Stacking Frames shall be subjected to a
complete loading and stacking operation.
The temperature of
the room shall be returned to 8*l0 degrees Fahrenheit and the
loading and stacking operation repeated.
L o w temperature. - T h e C r a d l e s a n d S t a c k i n g
Frames shall be loaded as d e s c r i b e d i n 4 . 3 .
The loaded Cradles
and Stacking Frames shall be exposed to an ambient temperature
of minus 65 degrees Fahrenheit for eight hours.
At the end
of the eight hour exposure and while still at minus 65 degrees,
the Cradles and Stacking Frames shall be subjected to a
complete loading and. stacking operation. `The temperature of
the room shall be returned to,80~10 degrees Fahrenheit and the
loading and stacking operation repeated.
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