| ![]() MIL-C-81953(AS)
Wt of cable in air
Specific gravity = (Wt of cable in air) + (Wt of lead in air Open end specific gravity. The same sample shall then have
the rubber caps removed and shall be immersed in the tank of fresh water
at room temperature with one end of the cable approximately at the water
surface. The cable shall be held in this position for 5 minutes and the
specific gravity determined as specified in, except without end
covers on the cable. The measured closed end specific gravity of the buoyant cables
shall not be more than 0.94. The measured open end specific gravity shall
not be more than 0.96.
4.4.3 Tensile Strength - "S" Type Cable. The sample of "S" cable (see shall have a tensile
load of 15,000 pounds applied between end fittings for a 4-hour period.
There shall be no permanent damage or deformation of the cable after test.
4.4.4 Compression test. A sample of "S" type of buoyant cable shall
be selected from each lot and shall be subjected to a compressive force
of 3,000 pounds for a period of 4 hours, applied between two flat plates
6 inches in length. The test shall result in no permnent deformationor
damage to the cable.
4.4.5 Sheath tests. Thickness. At least five separate measurements shall be made
on each of the sheath samples taken in accordance with 4.2.3. The average
of all the measurements taken on all samples from each cable shall be con-
sidered the average thickness. Where the materials used in the insulation
and jacket differ, the requirements of this paragraph shall apply to the
insulation and jacket individually. Tolerances specified in 3.8 shall
4,4.5.2 Tensile strength. Five sheath samples from each lot shall
be tested for tensile strength in accordance with method 4111 of Fed. Std.
No. 601. The averaage tensile strength of the specimens shall be considered
the tensile strength of the sheath and shall be not less than 900 p.s.i. Ply separation test. On five sheath samples from each lot
the bond between adjacent plys of taped construction sheath, between suc-
cessive layers of extruded sheath and between the insulation and the jack
eting compounds shall be tested using method 4221 of Fed. Std. No 601,
except that the force shall be applied in such a manner as to tend to
separate the individual layers of insulation and jacket along their mating
faces. Bond between individual plys, the jacket and insulation, or between
either of these and an intervening reinforcing tape or braid shall be not
less than 10 pounds per inch of width at any point.
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