| ![]() MIL-C-81953(AS) Elongation test. Elongation tests in accordance with method
4121 of Standard Fed. Std. No. 601 shall be conducted on five jacket samples
from each lot. The jacket samples shall be obtained by slicing the jacket
material from sheath samples. Ultimate elongation shall be not less than
250 percent. Oxygen, and sunlight resistance. The jacket material from a
minimum of five sheath samples from each lot shall undergo an accelerated
aging procedure consisting of the exposures outlined in methods 7111 and
7311 of Fed Std. No. 601. Twenty-four hours after acclerated aging is
complete the tensile strength and elongation shall be not less than 60 per-
cent of the values obtained in 4,4.5.2 and Surface checks and
cracks shall not be visible to the naked eye. As an alternative to test
method 7311 for sunlight resistance a 100-hour exposure in type D test
equipment per Standard ASTM-G-23-69 may be used employing a cycle of approx-
imately 100 minutes of arc light exposure followed by approximately 18
minutes of exposure to arc light and water spray.
4.4.6 Terminal lug insulation adhesion test. A test specimen shall
be prepared from the terminal lug selected in accordance with and
the adhesion of the insulation to the lug barrel tested by method 8031 of
Fed. Std. 601. The sheath shall be reduced to a thickness of approximately
3/16 inch over the undistorted area of the lug during preparation of the
specimen. Adhesion shall be not less than 10 pounds per inch of width.
4.4.7 Core sample. The diameter of the core of hte one-foot sample
selected in accordance with shall be measured as follows: At
the approximate mid-point of the sample measure the diameter with a vernier
caliper at three points approximately 120 apart. The average of the three
measurements taken shall be considered the average diameter of the core.
The average diameter shall be 2.40" + 0.10 Specific gravity of sample
shall be measured. The specific gravity shall be 0,57 .05.
4.4.8 Regerminated electrode. coverage. The number of wires, the pitch angle and the aver,
age diameter as determined in 4.4.7 shall be used to determine the percent
coverage as defined in Section 3.3.3. The percent coverage shall be not
less than 96 percent. Buoyancy, The electrode shall be placed in a tank of fresh
water. The specific gravity of electrode will be considered less thatn
1.00 if electrode is floating after 15 minutes. . (see 3.3.2). Tensile strength. The reterminated electrode shall have a
tensile load of 5,000 pounds applied between lugs and towing eye for 15
minutes. During test, lug shall be restrained from rotating. There shall
be no permanent damage to the electrode after test.
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