| ![]() MIL-C-31953(AS)
5.1 One level of packing and packing, as specified in 5.2 and 5.3,
shall apply for all shipping destinations and all storage periods for
cable covered by this specification.
5.2 Packaging.
5.2.1 Type "S" cable shall be wound on reusable steel reels manu-
factured in accordance with Drawing s8101-1535866. TWO "S" cables shall
be wound on each reel. Both ends of the cable shall be securely fastened
to the reel with rot resistant rope.
5.2.2 Electrode cables shall be wound on sturdy wooden shipping reels.
Two electrode cables shall be wound on each reel. Reels shall be of suit-
able design, strongly constructed with flanges of sufficient diameter to
protect the electrodes from injury in handling and rolling. Drum diameter
of reels shall be not less than 34 inches,
5.2.3 Lagging. The cable wound on reels shall be covered with flexible
waterproofed wrapping paper conforming to Specification uU-P-271 and secured
to prevent unwrapping during handling and shipment. Reels shall be coxn-
pletely enclosed with wooden lagging with boards meeting each other. Lag-
ging shall be 2-inch commercial lumber and shall be strapped with at least
three l-inch wide steel straps, except that reels containing electrodes
need have only two straps. Strap shall be stapled at intervals in
accordance with the contractor's commercial practice. A minimum clearance
of one cable diameter shall be provided between the inner face of the lag-
ging and the waterproof wrapping material. When wooden reels are used,
the lagging shall be cut even with the outside of the reel flanges and
nailed with cement coated steel nails. Lagging of steel reel shall be
in accordance with the. applicable steel reel drawing.
5.3 Packing. Cable packaged as specified in 5.2 shall not require
overpacking. The method of packing or loading of reels shall be accomplished
in a manner which will insure acceptance by carrier and will afford pro-
tection against physical or mechanical damage during shipment from the
supply source to the using activity. The method of loading shall confrm
to the American Association Gf Railroads Rules Governing the Loading Of
Commodities and the Uniform Freight Classification Ratings, Rules and
Regulations or other carrier regulations as applicable to the mode of
5.4 Marking. In addition to any special marking required by the
contract or order, each reel shall be marked as follows:
(a) Cable type
(b)Cable serial number
(c)Contract number
(d)Manufacturer's name and destination
(e)Federal stock number
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