| ![]() MIL-C-81953(AS)
30.2.3 Plywood cylinder shells. - Cylinder shells shall be 3-ply
pressure bonded gum or birch. The plies shall be helically wound with
adjacent plies in opposite directions. Veneer stock shall be of aircraft
30,2.4 Adhesive. - Bonding of shell plies and between shell and heads
shall be with a type I all-resorcinol adhesive conforming to MMM-A-181
applied and cured in accordance with manufacturer detailed instructions.
30.2.5 Construction details, - Hollow plywood cylinders. - Outer surface of cylinder heads
shall be flush with ends of shell. The entire outer surface of the cylinder
shall be sanded so as to provide a smooth base for the finish. Outer sur-
face of cylinder heads shall be perpendicular to the cylinder axis, within
a maximum deviation of 2 degrees.
30,2.6 Finish. - Hollow plywood cylinders. - The entire outer surface of each
cylinder shall be coated with a finishing material as follows:
First coat - Tumbled or dipped clear phenolic varnish.
Second coat - Tumbled, clear phenolic varnish.
Third Coat - Sprayed phenolic varnish containing aluminum flake.
Additional color coding may be applied at the option of the cable manufac-
40.1 Responsibility for inspection. - Unless otherwise specified in
the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the per-
formance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except-as
otherwise specified, the supplier may utilize his own facilities or any
commercial laboratory acceptable to the Government. The Government
reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the
specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure sup-
plies and services conform to prescribed requirements,
40.2 Tests, - The following tests shall be conducted.
40.2.1 Diameter check, - The outer diameter of each cylinder shall
be checked by means of "Go" "NO GO" gages. These are to consist of two
l/4-inch thick metal plates bored to the diameter listed below with the
edges of the holes rounded.
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