| ![]() MIL-C-81953(AS)
NO GO gage
Nom. cylinder size
Cable type
2.473 ,002
2.527 .002
Cylinders shall pass through the GO gauge and be unable to pass through
the NO GO gauge to be accepted.
40.2.2 Construction check. The shell thickness and head thickness
(plywood cylinders), length and construction detail shall be checked on
ten cylinders taken at random from each lot of 1,000 cylinder to determine
that the requirements of 30,1 have been met. If any cylinder fails to
meet any of the requirements, the representative lot shall be refected.
40.2.3 Weight check (plywood cylinders). A number (between 300 and
1,000) of cylinders shall be taken at random from each lot of 100,000 ply-
wood cylinders and weighed to determine that the maximum average weight
requirement of 30.1 has been met.
40.2.4 Physical data (plywood cylinders). Fifteen cylinders shall
be taken at random from the quantity of cylinders weighed in accordance
with 40,2.3. These cylinders shall be used for the environmental resis-
tance tests of 40.2,5. Prior to performing the environmental resistance
tests, the following data shall be taken and recorded.
(a) Diameter - Maximum and minimum, using diameter tape.
(b) Length - Maximum and minimum.
(c) Weight.
(d) Shell thickness - Masimum and minimum, shell construction
(see 30.2.3).
(e) Head thickness, head construction (see 30.2.2).
(f) Perpendicularity (see
40.2,5 Environmental resistance tests. Tap water immersion test. Three of the fifteen cylinders
shall be immersed in tap water at room temperature for 100 hours and
weighed (w). The cylinders shall then be subjected to 100 C dry heat
until 24 hour weight loss does not exced 0.1 gram per cylinder and
reweighed (W). Moisture absorotion shall be calculated by the following
formula and shall not exceed 25 percent:
%MA 100WW - WD
40.2.5,2 Cure test. Twelve of the 15 cylinders shall be exposed to
a temperature of 100"F and 100 percent relative humidity for 50 hours.
Immediately following this exposure, they shall be sealed in a moist:re-
proof container such as a rubber bag having a volume not more than 10
percent greater than that of the cylinder contained therein. They shall
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