| ![]() The number of defective units permitted pertain to the total number of cart-
ridges fired as specified in Table II, except that primer leaks shall not be consid-
ered defects for cartridges fired in a single action.
Unseated or upset primer buttons without indication of gas leakage are not
considered as defective units.
Flange cracks, as determined by visual examination, shall not be cause for
rejection of the lot but shall be recorded and reported.
Prior to firing a light application of oil or other lubricants, as required, may
be applied to the cartridge case.
Lot will not be penalized.
3.6.1 Drop sensitivity. HEI and API projectiles shall not deflagrate or function
on impact with a steel plate at a velocity of 52 5 ft/sec or a drop, nose down,
from a 40-foot height.
3.7 Identification and marking. The cartridges shall be identified and marked
as specified on the applicable drawing.
3.8 Government-loaned property. The following gage will be Government-
loaned property: 20 MM Cartridge MARK 5 MOD 0 Assembled Ammunition Gage
(Drawing 1314850).
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