| ![]() MIL-C-85122(AS)
4.3 Inspection provisions and conditions. All firing inspections (tests) shall
be accomplished at the testing activity specified in contract or purchase order
(see 6.2.1).
4.3.1 Inspection equipment. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or pur-
chase order (see 6.2.1), all inspection equipment shall be supplied and maintained
by the contractor in accordance with MIL-I-45607.
4.4 First article inspection. The 1,250 first article samples (see 3.2) shall
be subjected to the examinations and tests of Table II. Failure of any cartridge
to meet the requirements specified herein shall be cause for rejection of the first
article samples.
4.5 Quality conformance inspection. The quality conformance sample shall
be subjected to the examinations and tests of Table II
4.5.1 Production lot. The production lot shall be not less than 20,000 cartridges
and not more than 50,000 cartridges. The lot shall consist of the following:
Projectiles from one lot.
Cartridge cases from one lot.
Primers from one lot.
Propellant from one index.
Tracers from one lot.
Fuzes from one lot. Mixed component lot. When the lot size has been established, all com-
ponents that are left over are to be retained until a sufficient number is accumu-
lated for a mixed lot of 20,000 to 50,000 cartridges. The accumulated leftovers
of propellant shall not be used in mixed component lots unless blended by a method
acceptable to the procuring activity as determined by the Government representa-
tive, with a charge determination made for its assembly into the cartridges. The
blending method shall be made available for review by the Government representa-
tive. Mixed components shall not be used without prior approval of the procuring
activity. The ammunition data card shall contain information on all lots of com-
ponents used. Lot identification. Each cartridge and each packed cartridge lot shall
be identified in accordance with applicable drawings and MIL-STD-1168, supple-
mented as directed by the procuring activity (see 6.2.1).
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