| ![]() MIL-C-85122(AS)
6.2.2 Data requirements. When this specification is used in a procurement
which incorporates a Contract Data Requirements List (DD Form 1423) and invokes
the provisions of 7-104.9(n) of the DAR, the data requirements identified below
will be developed as specified by an approved Data Item Description (DID) (DD
Form 1664) and delivered in accordance with the approved DD Form 1423 incor-
porated in the contract. When the provisions of DAR 7-104.9(n) are not invoked,
the data specified below will be delivered by the contractor in accordance with
the contract requirements. Deliverable data required by this specification is
cited as follows:
Applicable DID
Data Requirement
Ammunition Data Cards
(Copies of DIDs required by the contractors in connection with specific procure-
ment functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by
the contracting officer.)
6.3 Combining tests. With approval of the procuring activity, firing tests
may be performed concurrently on the same sample cartridges provided that the
test results are not affected. The testing facility should make maximum use of
this procedure to minimize testing costs.
6.4 Safety precautions. The loading, assembly, and handling of the explosives,
subassemblies, and the finished items covered by this specification involve hazard-
ous operations and, therefore, require suitable explosive safety precautions. Standard
safety precautions for explosive-loaded items are contained in DoD 4145.26M
and are recommended for use by the contractor in loading and assembling the
items furnished under this specification.
6.5 Definitions.
6.5.1 Premature burst. Function of an HEI projectile in the gun or in-flight
before impact on target.
6.5.2 Premature ignition. Function of an API projectile in the gun or in-flight
before impact on target.
6.5.3 Action time. The action time (in milliseconds) is read from the close
of the firing key to the projectile's emergence from the barrel.
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