| ![]() MIL-D-18243B(AS)
c. To ascertain the readiness of the system to enter Government
evaluation by indicating the achieved level of performance, maintainability,
serviceability, and reliability of the system in comparison with perform-
ance, maintainability, serviceability, and reliability required by the con-
tract detail specification.
"This section is not applicable to this specification."
Prerequisites for formal demonstration~ When the contractor is ready
to conduct a contractor's formal demonstration, he shall submit his request to
NAVAIR in writing for acceptances. A demonstration plan (see 3.6.1) shall be
included with the request. The contractor shall submit each system to an
acceptance test at the contractor's facility. Evidence that each system has
passed this test shall be presented to the cognizant Contract Administration
Office (CAO). After fulfilling this requirement each system may be submitted
for demonstration.
Formal demonstration. Upon NAVAIR approval of the prerequisites for
formal demonstration the contractor shall conduct a formal demonstration of
the system in accordance with the requirements specified herein or in the
applicable addendum to this specification (see 6.1). This demonstration
shall be offically witnessed by NAVAIR or a designated representative.
Deviations. Deviations from this specification will not be per-
mitted unless specifically approved by NAVAIR. Deviations may be requested
when realistic improvements are attainable and the deviations are fully
Modifications. At the discretion of the contractor and after
approval by the Government Test Activity (GTA), such system components ex-
cept Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) as may have been accepted by the
government at the source of manufacture, may be modified by the contractor
at the test facility or another convenient modification facility for purposes
of meeting safety or other specialized requirements at the test facility.
Alterations. NO alterations shall be permitted except after re-
quest by the contractor and after approval by NAVAIR. Any such alterations
made shall be incorporated in each system or system components remaining to
be demonstrated. When NAVAIR determines alterations significantly change the
performance of the system, appropriate portions of the demonstration pre-
viously completed shall be required to be repeated.
System repair. Systems which fail the tests of 3.4 or 3.5 will be
returned to the contractor at the Government expense and shall be repaired,
exluding GFE, at no increase in contract price provided these systems were
not damaged or improperly tested by the GTA. Systems which were damaged as a
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