| ![]() MIL-D-18243B(AS)
Manuals. All tests conducted on the airborne equipment during the
demonstration shall be conducted in accordance with the contractor furnished
test procedures, intstructions, and maintenance manuals that shall be delivered
with the aerial target systems
Ground tests
General. The purpose of the ground test program is to: (1) demon-
strate the operational procedures involved-in preparing the system fro flight;
(2) verify that the missile or target is ready for flight; (3) demonstrate
the functional compatibility of all components comprising the system; and (4)
demonstrate compliance with the contract detail specification. The functional
compatibility shall include the missile or target with the ground support
equipment and the missile or target with the launching equipment.
Ground handling. Demonstrate proper methods of handling of the
system; e.g., unpacking. (and packing)$ servicing attaching to (and detaching
from) launcher or launching aircraft, etc., including proper use of lift
points, grips, and special devices for hoisting. Assembly, transporting,
and operational checkout procedures shall be demonstrated
Accessibility. Demonstrate access to all components requiring ad-
justment or frequent replacement. The demonstration shall include operations
on the system when it is on or off the launcher.
Interchangeability. Demonstrate interchangeability of target ele-
ments by random selection of the demonstration elements at the demonstration
facility. Unless otherwise specified, the following shall be demonstrated:
a. Interchangeability of system sections, components and equip-
ments including those of alternate manufacturing sources where required.
Interchangeability of units of launcher equipment.
c. Interchangeability of aircraft interface components of control
interchangeability of units of test and check-out equipment,
Alignment. Demonstrate all methods employed in the alignment, ad-
justment, and installation o-f wings$ control and stabilizing surfaces, engine,
boosters, and other parts or components requiring accurate positioning.
Ordnance. Tests by the contractor with Government and contractor
furnished ordnance or electro explosive devices as installed in the system
shall demonstrate that the explosive components do not operate prematurely
or improperly by malfunctions, within the system during check out. Safety
measures shall be demonstrated. All ordnance components and electroexplosive.
devices as installed in the system shall have been qualified HERO (Hazardous
Electromagnetic Radiation Ordnance) safe.
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