| ![]() MIL-D-18243B(AS)
Alteration report. An individual report on each alteration (see
6.3.4) proposed for incorporation in the demonstration targets or missiles
shall be submitted. Each report shall include the following information:
a. Number of alteration (numerical sequence in any particular
Detailed description of alteration,
c. Reason for alteration,
d. Serial numbers of targets or missiles affected,
e. Affect on validity of tests already completed,
f. Contractor's signature.
Demonstration manual(s). The manual or manuals for-the demonstration
shall support the contractor's demonstration at the GTA, and shall include
the following coverage as applicable.
a. Introduction appropriate to the system test objectives to be
b. Preparation for use instructions including use of ground sup-
port equipment.
c. Description of tests to be performed or the associated test
d. Description of the preflight and postflight maintenance to be
performed or the associated procedures.
e. Packaging and preparation for shipment after recovery.
Discrepancy or conflict. In the event the contractor determines
that a discrepancy or conflict exists between or among the contract, this
specifications the contract detail specification, the applicable addendum
to this specification, or any referenced documents, it shall be the respon-
sibility of the contractor to disclose this to the procuring activity. The
contractor shall recommend changes for the discrepancies or conflicts in
accordance with the contract change clause. Further,it shall be the respon-
sibility of the contrctorto provide objective evidence and sufficient proof
to the procuring activity that the requirements of this specification cannot
be met or demonstrated before any deviation or waiver will be granted. Any
change go the contract, this specification, contract detail specification,
the applicable addendum to this specification, or any referenced document,
will be considered for approval only when the above requirements have been
This section is not applicable to
this specification.
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