| MIL-D-20505D(AR)
4.4.3 Testing. The jumble test and functioning tests specified
herein shall be performed at an authorized test facility.
PRECAUTION. The composition charge is extremely sensitive to
initiation by friction, impact and static electricity. Take appro-
priate precautions in all handling, processing and storage involving
this composition. Moisture content. Charge composition. (See 3.3.1) Major Defect -
Paper and Paper Products (see 3.3.2) Major Defect. The contractor
shall provide adequate controls to assure that the materials comply
with the applicable requirements. For verification, the contractor
shall select and subject to test one sample of each material from
each eight (8) hours production. A composite sample shall not be
used. If the moisture content of a sample exceeds the requirements
and loading has not begun, the material represented by the sample
shall be rrejected. If components have been loaded with a material
containing excessive moisture, the loaded components shall be
rejected. The determination shall be as specified in
Since blending of the charge composition is accomplished in the
simulator, a sample of sufficient size shall be taken from a "dummy"
body used in conjunction with the loading of the simulators for
determination of moisture. Complete assembly. (See Dwg. 9234991) - Major
Defect. A sample of 50 assemblies shall be selected from each lot
for this determination. If one or more assemblies fail to comply
with the requirement specified, the lot shall be rejected. The
determination shall be as specified in Charge composition analysis. (See Dwg. 9234992) -
Major Defect. This determination shall be conducted on the same
sample selected for determination of moisture content. If the
sample fails to comply with the requirements specified, the lot
shall be rejected. The determination shall be as specified in 4.5.2. Sensitivity. (See 3.5) - Major Defect. A sample of
five (5) assemblies shall be selected from each lot for this test.
If any assembly fails to comply with the requirement specified, the
lot shall be rejected. The test shall be performed as specified in
4.5.3. Jumble test. (See 3.6) - Critical Defect. A sample of
five (5) boxes of 50 each simulators, packed and sealed in
accordance with the instructions detailed on Dwg. 8853677, shall be
selected for this test and each sealed package of 50 simulators
tested individually. Following testing, each carton shall be opened
and the contents examined. The lot shall be rejected if any
simulator fails to comply with the requirements. The test shall be
performed as specified in 4.5.4.
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