| MIL-D-20505D (AR)
filtrate on a white spot plate with a few drops of a one percent
diphenylamine solution in concentrated sulfuric acid. If the
filtrate on spot plate turns blue, perchlorates are present and
additional washings are required. The crucible shall be dried for
one hour at 100 5C, cooled in a desiccator and weighed. The
loss in weight shall be calculated as the percentage of potassium
perchlorate in the sample. Aluminum. The aluminum in the sample shall be
calculated by difference as follows:
Percent Aluminum = 100 - (P + S)
S = Percentage of sulfur in sample
P = Percentage of potassium perchlorate in sample
4.5.3 Sensitivity. The simulator shall be placed on its side
on a solid support. A suitable weight weighing not less than five
(5) pounds shall be dropped a minimum distance of two (2) feet in
such a manner that the weight shall be flat and shall be of such
proportions that an edge does not strike the simulator. If any
simulator fails to conform to the applicable requirement, it shall
(Destructive test).
be classed defective.
4.5.4 Jumble test. Each sealed package of 50 simulators shall
be tested separately, and testing shall be in accordance with
MIL-STD-331 except that the duration of test shall be 20 minutes.
There shall be no bracing or blocking of the sealed package within
the woodlined jumble box during test, i.e., nothing but the sealed
package of 50 simulators shall be inside the jumble box during
testing. Observation shall be made for conformance with the
applicable requirement. (Destructive test).
4.5.5 Functioning. The simulator assembly shall be placed on a
solid support and the fuse ignited. Observation shall be made for
compliance with the requirements specified. The instrument used to
measure the sound level intensity shall be located 75 .5 feet from
the simulator support. Burning time from initiation to explosion of
simulator shall be measured from the first spit of the fuse to the
4.5.6 Quick leak test (Vacuum Differential Method). The filled
and sealed packages, after conditioning at ambient temperature (70
5F) for at least four (4) hours, shall be tested for leakage by
submerging in water contained in a vacuum vessel. A vacuum
differential of 216MM (8 1/2 inches) of mercury from ambient
conditions shall be drawn and held for 30 seconds (min.) while
observing for leakage of air. A steady stream or recurring
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