| MIL-D-23222A(AS)
be done without exceeding either intermediate-rated RPM (normal if not
intermediate rating assigned) or top index temperature (that temperature,
turbine inlet or tail pipe which, for applicable power and RPM,
is the maximum permissible. The power shall be obtained by torque-
meter readings. The thrust shall be determined by measurement of
change in momentum of the air passing through the engine at the
sametime. If either the measured brake horsepower or the thrust
is more than five percent above or below the engine predicted per-
formance charts, corrected for installation effects, instructions
shall be requested from NAVAIR. Turbine inlet and/or tail pipe
temperatures shall be measured as required. Provision for measuring
turbine inlet temperature shall be furnished by the engine manu-
COMBINATION POWER PLANT - On helicopters where
combination of any of the above listed engines
are Installed, all engines shall satisfy the foregoing requirements
that are applicable. The powers and/or thrust shall be determined
on each type of engine in accordance with the procedures set forth
for each applicable engine in the foregoing paragraphs.
INTERMEDIATE RUNS. - Maximum continuous power shall
be used where no intermediate rating is assigned.
These tests shall establish sufficient high power operating the on
the engines to insure that no excessive power-plant deficiencies
will occur and no unusual hazard will exist in operation of the
helicopter during the evaluation and trials. Engine operating
instructions as approved by NAVAIR shall be followed.
hour of
intermediate power operation in periods
of not less
than 15 minutes Shall be accumulated. The total operating
shall be approximately equally divided between each of the
(1) Level flight below 2,000 feet.
(2) Level flight at each critical altitude.
(3) Climb at airspeed for maximum rate Of climb.
If torque meters are installed, they shall be used for control purposes.
In the event that engine manifold pressures required for the attainment
of the specified torquemeter horsepowers are more than two inches Hg in
excess of those indicated in the performance charts released by NAVAIR.
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