| MIL-D-23222A(AS)
complete data shall be forwarded to NAVAIR for comment before exceeding
the two inch Hg tolerance. In instances where automatic manifold
pressure regulations or automatic power conditions are supplied, the
established cockpit. control positions shall be used in lieu of
torquemeter control. In the event that the nature of the controls
is such that critical altitudes in the conventional sense are not
obtained, or if the contractor iS uncertain thereto, advice shall
be obtained from NAVAIR. Data obtained during the above tests shall
include the following, as applicable.
(4) Condition of loading.
(5) Fuel and oil on board at start Of flight.
(6) Weight at start of flight.
(7) Fuel and oil on board at end of flight.
(8) Kind of fuel and oil used.
(9) At five minute intervals during the run:
(a) Standard pressure altitude.
(b) Air temperature at the above altitude.
(c) Indicated airspeed.
(d) Engine RPM.
(e) Engine manifold pressure.
(f) Carburetor air pressure
(g) Oil temperature (inlet and outlet).
(h) Engine Cylinder temperatures (heads and bases).
(i) Fuel pressure.
(j) coolant temperature.
(k) Carburetor entrance pressure (static).
(l) Torquemeter pressure (if applicable).
(m) Fuel flow.
TURBO-SHAFT ENGINES. - A total Of one hour Of
intermediate-power operation in periods of not less
than 15 minutes shall be accumulated. The total operating time shall
be approximately equally divided between each of the following:
(1) Hoveering or level flight below 2,000 feet.
(2) Hovering or level flight above 5,000 feet.
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