| ![]() MIL-D-48437A(MU)
3.5.11 Thermal. - The Display shall be cooled through conduction and
3.5.12 Safety.- The design of high voltage power supplies and associated
wiring and connector shall be such that no safety hazard is presented to
maintenance personel. High voltage areas of the Display shall be suitably
3.6 Reliability Run-in.- The Display shall be subjected to a 50 hour
run-in period (excluding downtime) which includes the operation at tempera-
ture extremes. The 50 hour run-in period shall start after the Display
has satisfactorily met the performance requirements of this specification.
The time required to conduct the vibration test shall not be included as
part of the run-in period. The Display shall continuously meet the require-
ment of this specification for the entire 50 hour run-in period.
3.6.1 Vibration. - The Display shall not be damaged after being sub-
jected to simple harmonic motion for a period of 30 minutes.
3.6.2 Temperature extremes.- The Display shall be capable of operating
without damage for 4 hours at -40F and for 4 hours at 125F.
3.6.3 Falures during Reliability Run-in.- Replacement of defective
components and correction of workmanship defects may be made during run-
in under the following conditions:
a. Any part, module component or subassembly that is used as
a replacement shall have previously passed environmental tests consistent
with the reliability run-in environmental requirements of the Display.
b. Any replacement part shall have been exposed for at
least one (1) hour at the extreme temperature being run immediately
previous to being used as a replacement for any failure occuring
during a temperature extreme.
c. After acorrection has been accomplished, at least one
(1) hour of operation with a minimum of three (3) tests to the part,
module, component or subassembly requirements shall be successfully
accomplished at the temperature at which the failure occurred.
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