| ![]() MIL-D-48437A(MU)
4.1 General.
4.1.1 Responsibility for inspection. - Unless otherwise specified in
the contract, the supplier is responsible for the performance of all test
and inspection requirements specified herein. Except as otherwise speci-
fied in-the contract the supplier will specify facilities suitable for the
performance of the test and inspection, unless disapproved by the Govern-
ment. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the tests and
inspections are deemed necessary to assure that supplies and services con-
form to prescribed requirements. quality program requirements. - The contractor shall provide
and maintain a quality program acceptable to the Government for supplies
and services covered by this specification. Quality plan. - A quality plan, applicable to the require-
ments of this specification shall be submitted to the contracting officer
for approval prior to first article inspection. If first article inspect-
ion is not required the quality plan shall be submitted for approval prior
to quality conformance inspection. The quality plan shall reflect the
a. Flow of material from inspection on receipt throuth all manu-
facturing processes to final shipment.
b. Process and inspection points.
c. Reference to process and inspection procedures.
d. Differentiation between in plant inspections and subcontracted
inspections for subassemblies and higher assemblies.
Any changes to the approved plan shall be submitted to the contracting
officer for approval prior to use.
4.1.2 Government verification. - All quality assurance operations per-
formed by the contractor will be subject to Government verification at any
time. Verification will consist of (a) surveillance of the operations to
determine that practices, methods, and procedures of the written system
description are being properly applied, (b) Government product inspection
to measure quality of product to be offered for acceptance, and (c) Govern-
ment product inspection of delivered product to assure compliance with all
requirements of this specification. Failure of the contractor to promptly
correct deficiencies discovered by him or of which he is notified shall be
cause for suspension of acceptance until corrective action has been made
and until conformance of product to prescribed criteria has been demonstrat-
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