| ![]() MIL-D-52923B(ME)
3.2 First article. When specified (see 6.2), a sample shall be subjected to first article inspection
(see 4.2 and 6.3).
3.3 Production distributors. All distributors furnished under this specification shall be physically and
mechanically identical to the first article distributor approved by the Government.
3.4 Construction.
3.4.1 General. The distributor shall consist basically of a tank and spray system mounted on a
semitrailer chassis as specified herein.
3.4.2 Performance. The distributor shall:
a. Be compatible with the Military M123A1C, M916, and M920 truck tractors. When coupled to
any of the three truck tractors, the vehicle shall be capable of making interference free full left
and right turns while cresting hills which generate pitch angles of up to plus or minus twelve
degrees (12) between truck tractor and distributor.
b. Travel, with maximum payload and without payload on improved roads at speeds up to 50 miles
per hour, on unpaved roads at speeds up to 30 miles per hour, and on loose fill at speeds up to
5 miles per hour without evidence of malfunction, permanent deformation or damage. Loose fill
is defined as newly placed uncompacted fill or in place material which has been ripped, tilled or
scarified to a depth of at least six inches.
c. Comply with Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations for towed vehicle
tracking tolerances.
d. Be capable of assuming a 90 degree angle to the towing vehicle without interference or cramping,
sideslipping, or damage to the semitrailer or the towing vehicle.
e. When coupled or uncoupled to the truck tractor, be capable of filling the tank from an outside
source using the pump and engine.
f. When coupled to the truck tractor, be capable of pumping from the tank through the nozzles.
g. When coupled or uncoupled to the truck tractor, be capable of pumping from the tank through a
1-1/2-inch outlet.
h. Be capable of draining the tank without water going through the pump.
3.4.3 Weights and dimensions. The distributor shall conform to the following:
Weight on fifth wheel (maximum, loaded)
30,000 pounds
Overall length (maximum)
38 feet
Overall height
10 feet
Overall width
96 inches
Upper fifth wheel height (as measured with
62 inches (1 inch)
the plate in a horizontal plane, tank empty
(see 3.8.1)
with the trailer on a level plane)
Interchange coupling dimensions shall be compatible with the M123A1C, M920, and M916 truck tractors.
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