| ![]() MIL-D-537F Unit container. Each complete disk, prepared and preserved as specified in 5.1 and
5.2.1 respectively, shall be individually placed in a box or container. Furnished technical data,
prepared and preserved as specified in 5.1 and 5.2.1 respectively, shall be placed in the box or
container with the disk. The unit container or a box conforming to PPP-B-566, variety 1.
Alternatively when specified (see 6.2), the unit container shall be a setup box conforming to
PPP-B-676, size 8 inches x 4 inches x 1.500 inches. Each container shall be securely closed and,
as applicable, the closure shall be in accordance with the appendix to the utilized box
specification. Intermediate containers. Twelve complete disks of one type and class, in unit
containers as specified in, shall be consolidated together in a close-fitting box conforming
to PPP-B-636, W6c, style optional. Alternatively, when specified (see 6.2), the intermediate
container shall conform to PPP-B-636, type CF, class domestic, grade 150 05 175. Box closure
shall be in accordance with the appendix to the box specification.
5.2.2 Level C. Disks, prepared as specified in 5.1, shall be preserved in a manner to afford
protection against deterioration and damage from the contractor to the final destination. Only
disks of a single type and class shall be consolidated together in a container.
5.3 Packing. Packing shall be level A, level B, or level C as specified (see 6.2).
5.3.1 Level A. Disks of a single type and class, preserved as specified in 5.2, shall be packed
in quantities not to exceed 200 pounds in a close-fitting box conforming to PPP-B-601, overseas
type, style optional. Box closure and strapping shall be in accordance with the appendix to the
box specification except that the strapping shall be flat and zinc coated.
5.3.2 Level A alternate. Alternatively, when specified (see 6.2), two intermediate containers
(24 disks) of a single type and class, preserved as specified in 5.2, shall be packed in a
close-fitting box conforming to PPP-B-636, class weather resistant. The style and strength of the
alternate box shall be based on a type 2 average load, as described in the Appendix to
PPP-B-636. Closure, strapping and waterproofing of the alternate box shall be in accordance
with the appendix thereto.
5.3.3 Level B. Level B packing shall be as specified in 5.3.1 for level A except that the box
shall be domestic type and the strapping may be coated finish.
5.3.4 Level B alternate. Alternate level B packing, when specified (see 6.2), shall be as
specified in 5.3.2 for level A alternate except that boxes shall be class domestic. Box closure shall
be method I or II in accordance with PPP-B-636.
5.3.5 Level C. Disks of a single type and class, prepared and preserved as specified in 5.1
and 5.2 respectively, shall be packed in a manner to assure carrier acceptance and safe delivery to
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