| ![]() MIL-D-70484(AR) Distribution of weight. The distribution of weight
between right and left launchers shall not be out of balance by
more than five rockets except for asymmetrical loading. The
firing order of each type of rocket within a launcher shall be
controlled to minimize lateral center of gravity shifts within the
launcher. Launch delay. The DU shall complete the fire
command sequences to the first OU pair within 50 milliseconds
after the wing stores firing switch is depressed.
Failure of any assembly shall not cause Failsafe.
firing of any store. Fault detection/location. The DU shall have a
Built-In-Test (BIT) capability to check the operational status of
the equipment. The fault detection/location function shall be
accomplished when the STANDBY/ARM switch is in the STANDBY
position. Arming of the RMS shall override self test. BIT shall
obviate the need for any external test equipment for the
performance of preflight, or in-flight testing, alignment of the
RMS and fault isolation down to the defective line replaceable
unit (LRU). All RMS functions should be tested and the BIT
provisions shall functionally test the RMS from end-to-end, except
for the firing circuits. Malfunction indication. The equipment status
indicator a GO/NO GO device, shall be capable of holding the last
result if the power is interrupted or removed. The output of the
BIT, which drives a remote indicator, shall be such that a signal
of 28 4 VDC indicates a go condition and a signal of 0.5 VDC
indicates a no go condition. Failure of the DU other than an FCC
communications failure shall result in a shutdown of the DU. This
failure shall be indicated by all "8's" on the display. Failure of OU. Upon failure of an OU the DU shall
disable from firing the corresponding OU on the opposite side of
the aircraft in order to preserve weight balance. Fire control. The DU shall provide rocket fuze/
warhead type selection and fuze setting functions to the fire
control computer. The DU shall have the capability to set RC
airburst and penetration type fuzes with or without the fire
control computer (FCC). FCC range data shall be used only if the
automatic range mode is selected. The DU shall accept time of
function data from the FCC. If the FCC is not present, or if
setting airburst fuze in other than the automatic setting, the
time of function shall be selected from a stored conversion table
(Reference Tables I and II.) Data
based on a 60 knot curve.
input and output shall be received and transmitted in accordance
with the Signal Interface Control Document 12011837.
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