| ![]() MIL-D-70603 (AR)
will strike the sensitive end of the detonator. A steel ball,
approximately 15/16 inch in diameter and weighing 1.94 ounces
max imum, shall be dropped on the firing pin, to function the
detonator, from a height of 2 inches, maximum. The height of drop
shall be measured as the height from the top of the firing pin to
the bottom of the ball. A detonator that fails to fire or fails to
create a hole in the lead disc of the required size shall be classed
defective. Waterproofness. The detonator shall be immersed under
water as specified for the time specified. Within one hour after
removal from the water the detonator shall be subjected to the
sensitivity test specified in Any detonator which fails to
fire or fails to create a hole in the lead disc of the required size
shall be classed defective.
4.5.6 Heat seal test of sealed bag. Sampling, acceptance
criteria and test procedures for this test shall be as specified in
Specification MIL-P-116.
Preservation and Packing.
Packaging shall be as specified on Dwg. 7548104.
Level C.
The primers shall be packaged in
5.1.2 Intermediate packaging.
accordance with dwg. 7548103.
5.2 Packing
The containers shall be packed in accordance
5.2.1 Level C.
with dwg. 7548099.
5.3 Marking. Inner, outer and exterior containers shall be
marked in accordance with dwgs. 7548103, 7548104, 7548099.
5.4 Data cards. Data cards shall be prepared for each lot in
accordance with the information specified in Specification
6.1 Ordering data.
See MIL-A-48078.
6.2 Submission of inspection equipment designs for app roval.
(See MIL-A-48078). Equipment designs shall be submitted as required
to: Commander, US ARDEC, ATTN: AMSMC-QAT-I (D), Dover, New Jersey
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