| ![]() MIL-D-70789A (AR)
When an ACCEPT GEODETIC DATA command is used to initialize/update
the DRU, UTM positions shall be output in the normal zone and
grid azimuths shall be output based on the prime system (DRU)
spheroid and normal zone.
The DRU shall accept a spheroid update only during the first 3.5
minutes of Normal Align, else ALERT DATA bit D5/7 shall be set
and the entire position update rejected. The DRU shall not
accept any update in a grouping if one or more update(s) in the
grouping is rejected. The DRU shall set ALERT DATA D5/7 if an
invalid grouping is received. The DRU shall not accept partial
updates of horizontal position. The DRU shall accept UTM
coordinate updates in terms of the normal zone or extended zone
regardless of the designation of the zone/extended zone for
output messages.
When a parameter is not being updated, the input data will be set
to the following specified values:
Horizontal Position
DRU Hemisphere/Zone
91 0'
181 0'
DRU Spheroid
BCU Hemisphere/Zone
BCU Spheroid
Positions input to the DRU shall be for the applicable vehicle
(Orientation 1) or pointing device (Orientation 2) offset point.
The DRU shall perform all operations needed to relate the offset
point position to the DRU position.
STATUS bit S2/6 (Position Update in Progress) shall be set when
the DRU is performing a position update and shall be reset upon
completion or rejection of the update. (NOTE: Change in
positions output by the DRU, during a position update, reflect
the update process, not vehicle motion.) When STATUS bit S3/1
(Orientation Attitude Data Valid) is set, position updates shall
be completed within 5 seconds after receipt of the update
command. When STATUS bit S3/1 is reset, position updates shall
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